Well... Its been a while. Though I'd like to think I have good reason. The movie teaser was going very well, actually. It was fun, I got to know alot of neat people including the people who are going to be doing the actual movie. I found out I was the lead female's understudy and I was actually quite good at the fights. They tell me I'm a quick lerner and have "talent". But, of course, filming was postponed due to problems with insurance among other things. SO it'll be another couple weeks before we're done. Another thing, I probably won't be doing faire this year. Yes, I know, it sux. Especially after all the work I put into it. BUT, about a week ago, on the 26th, I found out that I'm pregnant. Yup, screwed up little me is gonna be a mommy. As of now I SHOULD be about 5 weeks along (according to how doctors date things, wich is crazy in my opinion. They count you as already two weeks pregnant before egg even meets sperm. Crazy, right?). Not entirely certain because one never really can be in these sorts of situations. To make matters worse my loverly little boyfriend and I broke up about a week before we found out because he was interested in this other girl. Gee, didn't see THAT coming. He's excited about having a baby, but I'm certain it wouldn't really matter who it was with. Its rather depressing. I was actually beginning to think maybe he was someone who I could spend my life with. Oh, who's kidding who. I WAS thinking that. But that of course meant he was immidiately gonna find some other tail to chase. Not that I can really blame him. Its his nature. I know that. Have since I met him. Doesn't make it suck any less though. So, yeah, thats really it. Here I am, knocked up without a caring partner, no insurance, and no real job. Also no home and no future. Whee. Whatever, I shoudl be used to it. Still gonna audition for teh movie though. I'll have the baby right before they start filming so I can take her/him with me, and maybe, just maybe, somethng will come of it. Yeah. Right.
Well... Its been a while. Though I'd like to think I have good reason. The movie teaser was going very well, actually. It was fun, I got to know alot of neat people including the people who are going to be doing the actual movie. I found out I was the lead female's understudy and I was actually quite good at the fights. They tell me I'm a quick lerner and have "talent". But, of course, filming was postponed due to problems with insurance among other things. SO it'll be another couple weeks before we're done. Another thing, I probably won't be doing faire this year. Yes, I know, it sux. Especially after all the work I put into it. BUT, about a week ago, on the 26th, I found out that I'm pregnant. Yup, screwed up little me is gonna be a mommy. As of now I SHOULD be about 5 weeks along (according to how doctors date things, wich is crazy in my opinion. They count you as already two weeks pregnant before egg even meets sperm. Crazy, right?). Not entirely certain because one never really can be in these sorts of situations. To make matters worse my loverly little boyfriend and I broke up about a week before we found out because he was interested in this other girl. Gee, didn't see THAT coming. He's excited about having a baby, but I'm certain it wouldn't really matter who it was with. Its rather depressing. I was actually beginning to think maybe he was someone who I could spend my life with. Oh, who's kidding who. I WAS thinking that. But that of course meant he was immidiately gonna find some other tail to chase. Not that I can really blame him. Its his nature. I know that. Have since I met him. Doesn't make it suck any less though. So, yeah, thats really it. Here I am, knocked up without a caring partner, no insurance, and no real job. Also no home and no future. Whee. Whatever, I shoudl be used to it. Still gonna audition for teh movie though. I'll have the baby right before they start filming so I can take her/him with me, and maybe, just maybe, somethng will come of it. Yeah. Right.
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