I GOT IN!!! I went to the fight class and people had dropped out so I got in!! YAY!! I can audition for the part I want!! And (hopefully) have a good chance of getting it!!! WHEEEE! I just want to dance!! Ah do do do DOOOO! And my sweetie is being sweet and adorable and not really grumpy about me spending time doing Faire stuff! YAY! ALSO, we probably have a place to live until we can afford to get our own house! OUR OWN HOUSE!! as in -OURS-, bought and paid for, where I can paint and remodel and garden! And someday have kids! And raise pets! And get a puppy! And win millions of dollars! And get my very own spaceship! And... er... sorry... heh heh.. got a lil carried away there...
On the other hand.... tomorrow morning I -KNOW- I'm gonna feel like I got run down by a herd of stampeding elephants, and I got sunburned so it'll most likely start to peel, and I'm worried about a frind of mine who's going through some tough times, and ANOTHER friend of mine is moving to New York and I was supposed to see her tomorrow but I can't cuz I have to go to the second half of the fight class.... Plus I'm out of Zyrtec so I'm gonna turn into a huge itchy blob... and the sunburn is only irritating it more... and I don't think I got this job I had an interveiw for because of some stupid survey questions...
I'll complain about all that later. Right now I'm all dopey and happy (and all the other dwarves ;þ) And I'm TRYING to be happy in my life so THERE!