
I'm not sure why but I find it almost relieving that alot of people stopped frequenting here. I guess it was getting a bit too much liek drama central for me. I did miss when I could write what I was actually thinking and feeling without not just worrying what kind of reaction I'd get but KNOWING that I'd just get flamed. And yet, now I don't know what to really write about. I feel liek I should write, I WANT to, but life has been so... robotic and dull lately. Nothing happens. Nothing has really changed. There's nothing to look forward too. Well, I mean that will be happening any time soon. I am still pregnanat and, as far as I know, healthy. Due December 9th according to the ultrasound I had. Not sure if its a boy or a girl yet, but I do plan on finding out. The husband and I haven't really been fighting, except a little about the fact that I haven't wanted to have sex. We haven't actually been doing much of -anything-, talking, spending any time together... its kind of sad. My daughter is doing great and beginning to talk a little. She'll say please, and thank you, which is awesome. She is seeming to be getting a head start on "teh terrible twos" though, so that is a bit of a pain. But she's still adorable and a sweetie so, its stomachable. But life in general is... hollow. One day bleeds into the next and its all one mundane blur. A very lonely mundane blur.
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