Ugh. I hate sinus colds. And in Spring, no less.
Oh, a word to those who Read the book Ella Enchanted:
DO NOT, I repeat, DO -NOT- SEE THE MOVIE!!! Even if they HADN'T screwed over the book it wouldn't be worth a cent. Its HORRIBLE!!! Its the first movie I ever wanted to walk out of. I didn't because I kept telling myself it HAS to get better. BUT IT DIDN'T!!! Its was so bad I had NIGHTMARES about it!! UGH! PLEASE, I beg beg you, if you have any self respect at all DO NOT go see that movie!!
Now to our regularly scheduled program.
Well... umm... oh yeah. Mettings. The first RenFest meeting is tonight. Don't know how I'm getting there yet. *sigh* I wish my cars wouldn't decide to explode/fall apart withing the first few months of me owning them. But hopefully she'll be better today. New muffler and all. Then I won't have to worry about how I'm gonna get to THE REST of the meetings I have to go to. I think I'm only gonna have 3 days a week off this year. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. What a week. Oh well, I love faire and now I'm gonna OD on it. *shrug* And I get to see a lot of people I havent seen in a long time. Yay! Then again, I don't really WANT to see some of them... but, meh. *sigh* I'm gonna be really tired soon....