No one ever writes enough here. Or maybe I just don't have a life. *shrug* Yeah, thats prolly it. I have no life. Still, I wish people would write more. Then I'd have something to read, and maybe think about, or it might give me an idea of something to do.
*sigh* How did I live without a car when I was younger? My vehicle is in the shop and I find I have absolutely NOTHING to keep myself occupied. Hm... oh, yeah, all my friends were within walking distance then. And none of us had cars. Ah, life was simpler then. Before we all went our seperate ways, working, or off to college. Or, like me, getting swept away by some love interest. Yup, life is so much more DULL now, without people to share is with. People, as in multiple. My boyfriend gets all mad when I say I have no people to share my life with. But it just isn't the same when you only have ONE. You have nothing to talk about because everything you experience the other person was there too. Ugh. And its Spring. I should be out having fun, getting in shape, getting tan. Meh.
Anyway, I don't even have any real thoughts to put down here. THAT is depressing. Usually my mind is full of craziness, but my boredom has infected even THAT part of me. If I don't find something I'm gonna get depressed. Grr...