Quick Blargh.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Okay. I(A) think I may have started shit I prolly should have let lie.... But GEEZ that pissed me off... Levi too... Now... I don't want drama, but ARGH! I haven't been this IRRITATED since... since... GUH! Since Malaki! And at least HE was HONEST that he was full of shit! (at least with me) And I know I'm probably gonna get flamed now about how I'M full of shit, but I know (with a sane person's reasonable doubt) I'm not, so screw you! All this switching and changing that just HAPPENS to fit well with who wants to date who really PISSES ME OFF! And, not to mention, it doesn't help with the whole doubt issue. They (you know of whom I speak) wouldn't be so freakin petty, nor would they bow to the flighty whims of stupid mortal teenagers! I'm not gonna start claming that Goat is Gabreil (Who, BTW, I{Levi} am no longer tied to... to clear THAT up before it starts) just cuz I(A) am gonna marry him! Nor will I claim he's anyone else, CUZ HE'S NOT. He's f*cking GOAT. And I'm happy with that. No, he may not entirely understand me, but I've come to accept that as much as I know how. Also, I AM NOT LEVI. LEVI is LEVI. Yes, she is a PART of me, but we are still SEPERATE! Is that so hard to understand? So don't claim to BE someone, its just dumb. They might be WITH you, (mind I say MIGHT) but they aren't you. They know that. We should know that. They also (generally) didn't CHOOSE to be with whoever they're with. Its just how it was. Fact. Not option. Christ! Erm... anyway... I think I'm done now. I'm being told that I shouldn't get this worked up... I guess I've just HAD IT with all this BS... so... yeah. Like I said, I don't want to start anything... but I was just sick of this shit.... and I had to let it out. Finally...
Read 5 comments
*pats* Rant away dear.. we.. or at least I don't mind and will always be here to calmly listen and let you vent. Thats what this place is here for, so use it to its full extent.
oh.. and i hope things get better with Winter.. I'm sure she has a good reason to be fussy, even if its not apparant. She is a beautiful child, just as any child you had would be.
Heh..Maliki...what a douchebag!^_^I got done w/ all that 'personality' stuff long ago.There are different parts of me,so to speak,but thats it.No crazy schizophrenia...I'm just 'me'.But anyway,hope ya get some sleep!She might be crying because she senses you're not at ease...babies are surprisingly in-tune w/that sort of stuff.That's not your fault, though!Just try to relax,and she might do the same.Just a suggestion,though!But take it easy okay!
You took the words out of my mouth. I doubt Uri'd stay if she had a choice... more because she doesn't want to be anywhere than she doesn't want to be here. Anyhow. ^.^ You haven't been on your messenger. I'm figuring it's cuz of Winter. She'll settle down soon I'm sure.
Talking does sound like a good idea, maybe tomorrow after class and before work (1ish-3:30) or at some later date. Just let me know when you'd prefer. Michele and david gave me their ideas on this situation, it would be nice to hear a possibly opposing point of view, then again maybe their thoughts might make more sense to you. Anyways, I hope talk to you soon.