Well... ow. I think that's really the only thing to say. Ow. Maybe even OW! Owwie owwie ow... I really need to refill my medication. Didn't get around to it today... but I couldn't have bought it anyway... no flow... I'm an idiot and my face is even more sunburned than yesterday. And my legs are threatening to boycott me if I make them hold me in a fight stance for another minute. BUT I'll be in shape again soon! YAY! Ow... that hurt... I'm so TIRED.... and sore... and BURNT... ugh... Oh gods I hope I get a part... speaking of which, I need to sign up for am audition time. Eeegads... auditions... I don't think I'll survive this adrenaline rush... Bleah... *falls over* I feel like ass... in a good way. :) I'm such a dolt. :)
But you know... I think I'm happy. I'm such a masochist. After a long day of getting the crap kicked outta me I'm happier. And all I'm hoping for is to get to have the crap kicked outta me more. *eg* I love it! And right now my sweetie is talking to the owner of our hopeful new residence...
No, our DEFINATE new residence. YAY!!! We can move in whenever we want!! YAY!!! We have a house!! now our own but YAY!! YAY YAY YAY!!! I'm having such a good day. *happy giddy grin* I'm gonna go kiss my lover now.. byeee...