Owwie... last night I hurt SOOOOOO BAD! It was like someone was chiseling away at my pelvic bone... Ugh! But as long as I was sitting down and not moving it was alright. MAN, I want to have this baby soon...
Anywho... got to see my "brother" yesterday for the first time in over a year! YAY! (he's someone my family sort of adopted in highschool, thus he's my "brother") I finally got to tell him I'm having a baby, and I think he took it rather well. *lol* We (my mom and I) have been trying to track him down forever, but I finally managed to get a hold of him through Yahoo IM. He's been going through alot, but I think he's doing okay. :) My whole family(minus my genetic brother, plus a few friends) went out to this awsome Japanese Restaraunt for dinner. It was great.

Doo dee doo... so yeah... we went to Her place last night as well... actually stayed the night there after watching a few HOURS of Family Guy. :D That show is great! It was.... Nice. :) Especially since my pelvis was hurting so much. It was nice to be able to relax with a couple people I care about. She rubbed my back. *goofy smile, blush* We cuddled on her couch. :) She's so comfortable... I love the way she touches me... she'll just sit there and, like, stroke my arm... it feels.. sooooooo wonderful... I just melt.... and she's so beautiful... especially when we're sitting in the glow of the TV and she's got her head on my knee... her hair cascading cross my leg, down onto the couch... she looks so... soft... so peaceful... I want to draw her like that so badly...*sigh*... I hope she didn't think I was being stand-off-ish... I don't know how to act around her. :( I know she's even less used to this than I am and I don't want to do ANYTHING to make her uncomfortable or scare her or make her not like me... But.... she let me kiss her(!!!)... and then she kissed me... I feel like an idiot cuz I started giggling the first time... ARRRRGH! WHY AM I SO AWKWARD!?!? I accidentally brushed her chest with my hand and I panicked! But the kiss was wonderful... ARGH! I wish I knew what she was thinking!... Did she like kissing me? Was I bad? Did it make her uncomfortable?... !?!?!?!?!.... Okay.. *sigh* I'm acting crazy... now she's probably gonna read this and never want to kiss me again. *lol* I'm so bad at this! EEEUGH! Well, now that I've made a fool of myself... AGAIN... I'm gonna go.

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