
I still haven't seen a doctor, but I am beginning to feel better. Its probably because I've been eating healthier. My belly is already growing even though its not suposed to for another month or so. Kind of frustrating because most of my pants either don't fit at all or are too uncomfortable to wear. I can't believe I'm already eight weeks pregnant. Two months and about to start the third. Though, It is nice to know that I SHOULD stop being so sick all the time soon. David and I are doing better. HE'S not doing to well by himself though. Work really has him down. I'm getting worried about him. He's so tired all the time. And now we have to plan for a baby... I'm scared this is going to be too much for him. *sigh* Hell, I'm scared this is too much for me. I have no clue what I'm doing. I haven't even found a doctor yet. I have no job. I'm scared shittless. And I feel so isolated. I really don't have anyone to turn to... I mean, this is supposed to be a happy time where you get all excited and bond with people, and all I feel is scared and lost and alone...
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Speaking from experience... that feeling comes and goes. One moment youre the happiest you've ever felt and the next youre crying and you don't know why.. its the hormones..Good luck with everything.. if you chose to go on medicaid they'll give you a list of approved docs.. take care ~Michele
oh.. to go on medicaid.. you'll need 'proof of pregnancy' which means you need to go get a test at planned parenthood or something. Its kinda silly, when i did it i was 6-7 months along and really showing and they still made me do it.. juat thought I'd pass that along.. also bring LOTS of ID. ~Michele