I'm feeling more like my old self, now. I got to spend time with my best friend, who I haven't seen in AGES it seems. I also saw my 'Big Brother' and I think we sort of patched up some things we needed to... not ALL of what we need to, but anything is worth it to me. I'd like to see more of them both, but we all have very different lives now... I don't want to get in their way. I care for them so much it hurts sometimes... but *shrug* Life won't stop for a girl and her heart.
Another person I got to spend some much wanted time with is one of my oldest friends. Oldest in how long we've been friends, not his actuall age. ;þ He's been going through soem rough times and I was worried about him so I drove to his place and spent a good chunk of afternoon just talking. It was nice. I miss our conversations and the comfort of our friendship. I think he did too.. though I'm not sure what going on right now. He called a couple days after we hung out and he was kind of under the influence, which I hate because it makes him stupid, and he got all weird about calling me. I dunno, I worry about him.
Faire's going alright, and it's nice to see some of THEM, but I don't get to as much now that I'm in the stage show. We don't have the same rehearsals. I'm not sure... I feel disconnected somehow. Sort of like I'm just an observer... its hard to explain... Anyway, it was really neat last night cuz there were some movie producers at rehearsal scouting for a film teaser they're filming at site. (I'm not joking this time, I swear on my cats!). The people they cast in the teaser also automaticly get in to second audtions for the actuall movie, which is being filmed in no other than the amazing country of NEW ZEALAND!! Like I said, they're just casting the teaser right now, but it would still be neat. I doubt I'll make it in, but I've got to try, right? :D It would be so awsome to be able to go to New Zealand... not to mention be in a movie... *sigh* But I should know better than to get my hopes up. Then again, they don't seem to be having much luck with the casting of the teaser yet and their budget for the movie depends on it and if they can get backers... *shrug* With my luck no one with like the teaser.
Anyway, enough movie talk. I brought my other cat home last night. She's all nervouse but she looks better than she did at my father's with all teh other cats picking on her. *sigh* I also got a phone call yesterday from someone I was hoping to not hear from again. It scares me... mostly beacuse I've been having nightmares about said person... also because they should know better than to call.... *sigh* Anyway, my shoulders are hurting so I'm getting off the computer. To those of you who read this and know me, read the entry after this. Its long, but I wrote it for you. Take care! ~Leviathon