Winter's sleeping again. I'm so lucky that she's so agreeable. *sigh* Sorry, I'm just a little sad. It seems like everythings come full circle again... or more full Escher. *sigh* I remember how it felt to be "the other woman" (not in the normal text) when a baby became involved.... I mean, when you aren't a baby's mother, and when its mom is around, but you're daddy's girlfriend... where does that put you? What are you to the child? It isn't easy... And now I've sort of put someone else in that position. *sigh* Its a little different beacsue -I- love her... both of the baby's parents love her... but I know it doesn't help that much. Its bad enough without the baby... wondering how this whole triumverate works... wondering if it WILL work at all... wondering how to explain it to anyone... especially parents... KNOWING a lot of people won't aprove... or understand... its hard enough WITHOUT a baby. But with a baby... it seems damn near impossible. *sigh* And thinking about it makes me sad. I don't want to put anyone in that position. I don't like being in that position. *sigh* Maybe my sister is right... I shouldn't be thinking baout stuff like this... I should be more concerned with Winter... She is my top priority... *sigh* But I'm in love. It isn't that easy... Winter IS my top priority. I just worry about this too. I wish is weren't so hard.... I wish none of us had to deal with this stupid standard of loving and living... If something makes us happy, whats wrong? ...yeah... I know... I should worry about the baby. *sigh* I love you Juliete. I love you Goat. I love you Winter...