OH MY GOSH! The baby is SO CUTE!! I had my ultrasound yesterday and it is absolutely adorable. And already taking after both mommy and daddy. The little bugger wouldn't move! It was sitting sideways with its hand covering his ear so we couldn't get any good looks at its face or most of the things they check to make sure its devoloping correctly like the kidneys and bladder and heart, and no way were we gonna be able to tell the gender. We tried for almost 20 minutes to get it to move by shaking my stomach, poking and prodding at it but NO. The little pain in the butt refused. It was almost as if it knew what we wanted and was just being obstinate. I love it more already. :) But we got enough measurements to know its doing fine and my due date is still about right.
I am a bit worried, probably without cause, that I'll need a C-section. My placenta is partially covering my cervix, and if it doesn't move (which in most cases it does, as the uterus grows)when I have the baby the placenta could sperate prematurely and I could bleed to death. Fun huh? Its called placenta previa. But as I said, more than likely it'll move, but they're still gonna keep an eye on it. Also my blood pressure was up a bit from when I was last there. nothing to worry about now, but once again I read to much.
My next appointment is October 26th, and they'll do another ultrasound to see if we can get a better look at it. Anyway, just had to vent! Love you all! Bye!
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