Yeah, you! Ya damn diety that has it out for me! You can kiss my lilly white @$$! I dunno why you hate me so much but LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
*sigh* Sorry, I just hate that every time I begin to hope that I might actually start enjoying my life, my nose gets rubbed in my inescapable failure. Once again I am shown that hopes only exist to be crushed, stomped on, shattered, dismantled, tortured, burned up, disintegrated, and destroyed.
1) So, yeah, I got to move back here, but I can't get a place to live. My landlord won't respond to anyone for a reference check, I have NO income of my own so even though my BF could easily pay for everything all alone no one will rent to us, and my apartment managers back in JC are claiming we owe them over $1050 wich is total BS...
2) My car is dying for no appearant reason, and when I went to have it fixed (and payed $140 for the work), it seems as if they didn't do -anything-!
3) All the theatre stuff I was hoping to do is completely falling through in spiteful-ish and/or completely unfair ways.
4) And I can't track down my friends to hang out for various reasons I don't really want to get in to right now.
All around, this sucks. And my BF in his slightly abrasive fashion of trying to help is really only succeding in discouraging me and rubbing my broken hopes in my face. He's trying, but he just doesn't get it... I think I'm gonna go cry now.
O_o maddie