I hate how stupid emotins are. I mean they're f*cking rediculous! So, there's someone I still have feelings for, but no, I'm NOT interested (cuz, you know, it went SO well the FIRST time...). And yet, I'm massivly irritated and jealous because they've found someone new. Maybe its cuz they were so stuck on this other person that they couldn't be with me, and now they're suddenly so easily over them, or perhaps its cuz they showed no interest in even talking to me when it was finally over with said other person. Or maybe I'm just stupid. I'm going with the latter.
Secondly, another person I used to have feelings for a long time ago, has finally come back, and now they've up and decided to go into the army. YEAY! Lets go over seas for no reason to get shot or blown up! WHOO HOO! And things seemed to be going so well for him. Well, at least about 50 times better then they have in years. But I can't stop him. And I suppose I shouldn't try.
I have an appointment with a psychologist in a few hours... I don't know how that will go. I hope it helps. If for no other reason, I have to get better and not be so depressed beacuse this is no way to raise a child. She's happy right now... but in a few years this sort of "home" life with just screw her up. Its probably even effecting her now, to be honest.
Other than that... I guess nothing has really changed. I'm still pretty miserable... And, you kow, everything's hopless and all that.