Birthmark images

Feeling: excited
*jumps up and down in joy* I have just seen images for the next ep in Teen Titans...Birthmark *screams* This is season 4 and it is all about...can you guess? If you guessed Raven, you are correct! YAY! *jumps up and down while screaming* Okay, technacally what is supposed to happen is that Slade is back and he is after Raven. Slade apparently has new fire powers...(don't ask cause I don't know). Slade wants to bring out Trigon, Raven's evil, demonic father. *squeals in delight* I am so RECORDING this ep! I'm never going to delete it! *screams* I can't wait! YAY! *smiles* Well, here are the really cool images that I have seen... These are the really cool ones... *squeals again and passes out* *stands up and jumps around room* YAY!
Read 5 comments
i am happy for your excitement>?
just watch out for the pole when you run around the house scream ok
those words do help
PS great you missed the pole :)
PPS what guy?
hmm... i like you cuz you spell your name just like me! Kari i think the only 2 people on the face of the earth that spell it that way?

*^laughs about the pole*^
*sigh* wonders why she wont tell?
(running around house running into poles scary=least it isnt sicssors)
you are rather crazy girl