Geograpy Class

Listening to: Lies - Evanescence
Feeling: depressed
Yeah...I'm in Geography. I just got done doing what I was supposed to do. Now, I am as bored as hell! Gr-ness! Oh well...I guess I could put up some poems on my Redwater site. I really have nothing else better to do... Help me find my sweet suicide...Kari
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Hey. How are you today? I haven't talked to you in SO long. It's wierd now. What have you been doing lately??

Oh, same ol' same ol'. Not much different from when I first talked to you.

thanks for quote
geogrphy was boring class for me
get er dun
thanks for the love...;)
great lyrics
i wont forsake you ether
hey, if you ever want to chat, just let me know and I'll call you!
sounds like a great song
how are you doin?
dont let me stop you
go pee :)