If you're not going to reopen it, just say so. I mean srsly. I'll go find some other place or make my own if I have to. I offered to help. We both did. But if that means so little to you, then we'll either join another place or make our own to do what we enjoy. I get real life. I get it. Srsly. But if you won't take help, then fine. It's not like we have anything else better to do at night.

I'm just so frustrated. It seems everyone that I RP with besides Mike has vanished off the face of the earth or is just ignoring me. I'm going to go with the "ignoring me" part because honestly that seems more likely lately. Of course, I get my hopes up and go back to a place where...

Bah. Whatev. I get so mad thinking about it and them. It's not worth it. They're not worth the time, space or breath. They're not humans.

So, frustrations. Frustrations. Frustrations. And I have practically no way to get them out because SOMEONE is a jerk and didn't post to me last night. :p -pokes jerk sitting next to me- And of course he giggles. -_- I POKE YOU HARDER!! NOM NOM NOM! And now I'm apparently cute. Ug. Get away from me jerk!! JERK! NO NOM! -hearts-

Okay, so he's a little cute. JUST A LITTLE! Maybe I can convince him in the car to open up our own place. -ponders-


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