Listening to: Cold - Crossfade
Feeling: depressed
I totally did not want to get up this morning. Everyone complains about Mondays. They don't bother me. It is Wednesday. UG! I hate it! I am supposed to take a test but the computer froze again. This is what happens when you have several ppl on the same program. Yeah...that shit happens. And ppl need to stop complaining! UG!
*hits self in head with mouse*
Oops...this is a school mouse. He he...>_> I DIDN'T DO IT! I SWEAR!
*hides under desk*
It's safer down here...
Yeah...waking up now. WOO!
I'm sane...I think. Am I sane? Right...
You are the antadote that gets me by
Something strong like a drug that gets me high
Of course not ... since you won't answer back , but whatever ... you're lucky
And you're saying OTHER people need to stop complaining? Look at yourself ... and yes I know this probably isn't helping you right now ... but look at it. You're complaining about other people complaining ... a littel hypocritical??