Feeling: hyper

Super Bowl Sunday!!! GO COLTS!!! :D

Well, period happened. Could be why I was so stressed over stupid shit. I'm also a bit moody this week. Bah. When I yell and get pissed, I really don't mean it. X.x Cept for waiting in the fucking cold yesterday on Dave. Mother fucker when we say we are on our fucking way, you get to the fucking door and wait for us to fucking get there. Jesus Christ!!

Good paycheck this week. I was excited!! I've been really random all week though. I hope it's from my PMS and not anything else. I've been increasingly jittery. Dx I feel like I'm moving at 100 mph and I haven't taken any Midol or drank any pop. I feel silly.

Got my 4th 80 and she's doing good! Got 420ish Defense, so I'm almost ready to tank!!! DPS gear is a bitch to find right now. Dx It just won't drop!!! Stupid gear!!

I need to shower. xD Update later after the game!!


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