The Virgin Whore

Feeling: concerned
I talked with Mike last night. I fell horrible about what this...I can't really call it a fight because I'm not fighting. I said what I said and left it alone. How about the shit happening between me and Katey? Yeah. We'll go with that. I don't care if ppl take sides in the shit with Garrett cause...he can take it up the rear for all I care. -___- But with Katey...I fell like shit. Mike doesn't deserve this. He really doesn't. I know this because he's good friends with Katey and...I don't really need to say. I love him. He loves me. He's automatically on my side. *sighs* And sometimes it should be like that, but sometimes it shouldn't. In this...he shouldn't be on a side. It's not his place to choose. No one should have a side. This is just between me and Katey. I don't want anyone in it. Katie - You don't have to take a side. You don't have to choose. I know she's your friend. I know I am yours. Stay neutral. I think that's spelled wrong. v.v *can't spell* Mike - I love you so much, baby. I really do. You mean so much to me even if this shit is going on. But she also means something to you. I may not like it at times, but that's the jealous girlfriend in me. I'm sometimes afraid that you care about her more than me. I guess that's why I'm so pissed at her. I guess that's why I hate her so much. Please...don't take sides in this. I don't want you to suffer in this. I want it just to blow over smoothly, for you. Yeah...and all that I said is true. The reason I don't like Katey is that she probably talks to Mike more than I do. She's always around when there is shit going on that he can't tell me. She's the first to know. He asked her out before me. All of her friends won't leave him alone. I just...I can't take it. She's too close to him at times and I fucking hate it. And at times...I fucking hate her. Right now, I don't hate her. I'm just confused. *shrugs* But really like she cares. I'm a whore remember? A virgin whore. Which still makes absolutely NO sence to me... Kayla
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Ok, this is nice Katey speaking. How are you?

Anyways. You know I wouldnt even to near Mike. He's like big brother. Even though thats kinda creepy when you think "Big brothers always watching". I'm sorry. You're not a whore. I dont reallly know what happened, all I know is that it wasn't Garrett that got me mad at you. I guess we're too similiar to really get along sometimes...Like me and Skye...Thats a great analogy right there. Me and Skye.
Nope, you spelled neutral right! *Cookies*
>> But you spelled sense wrong. *beats with dictionary*

Don't give up. Hang in there. Eventually it will blow over and if Mike wants to be on your side, it's better to just let it stay at that.