Good Day - 3

Feeling: happy
I was supposed to go to Anne's but something came up. I don't really mind. I have fallen for someone else. *smiles* And it feels great. I don't know what happened, but I can't feel sad. I can't feel pain. I'm too damn happy. Well, I am! Kari
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good morning
what ever lauguage you want to speak is ok with me....
you can if you want all i want is to hear your voice.....
YAY WE'RE HUG BUDDIES!!! WHOO HOO!!! Aight, we'll go to random people's sites and give them hugs. haha. That'll be great. Love ya. *hugs*

lol of course i would. i love your ideas. *hugs* Love ya.

I have to say I love your diary...and I breathe No More is one of Amy Lee's greatest acheviments ever...