
Feeling: depressed
I'm so sorry...I am so sorry for all of this. I can't live much longer...but I will keep my promise, Skye. I will live as long as I can, for you...for Jolie. I can't promise much more than that. I feel nothing right now cause I have willed the pain away. I am not thinking about it. I am pretending again. I hate to wear a mask...but I must to keep me from hurting myself...from hurting my best friends more... Help me find my sweet suicide...Kari
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that doesn't answer my question...goosehead. I asked if you wanted me to call you, that's all
that's what i wanted to hear
don't kid like that, if you don't want me to call then JUST tell me and i won't. i'm not going to hurt you anymore than you already are
dont be sorry