Listening to: white stripes
Feeling: alright
do you guys realize that only the EXTREMELY cool people have birthdays in april? heck yes. Mike Brady, Dan Mitchell, and I all have birthdays at the end of this month. mines the 24th, dan's the 19th, and mikes the 26th! heck yes. the month of parties.... woo pin the tail on the donkey. anyways. so i want to see the USI play Little Shop of Horrors saturday. i do hope ever so much that cresten will want to go with me. allison and michael frey made me a pot in art. lol. its all short and little and has checkers all around it.. cuz i am the CHECKERED FEIND! they also took my notebook outa my backpack to see how i write my Vs so they could put one on the side. its awesome! i love them! also michael frey, dan mitchell and i are superheros too. allsion and anna have their superhero comic so we decided to make our own. we are the STYROFOAM BANDITS! lol just because we always con the lunch ladies into giving us the styrofoam plates to let us take down to the art room during lunch. woot! dont you hate those people that IM you wanting you to check out their webcam and shit?! WifeyMegce47a [3:49 PM]: heeyyy cutie... my man doesn't satisfy me enough in bed.. think that you can? Go here for my hott pics: DasterdlyDeed021 [3:49 PM]: no i have erectile dysfunction DasterdlyDeed021 [3:49 PM]: perhaps because im not a MAN you bitch. dasterdlydeed is me by the way, incase ne of you feel the need to talk to me for some reason. anyways. so yeah. today tristan and i were talking and he said that truthfully my opinion matters most to him. more than anyones. dear oh dear. so many guys sit here and tell me im the perfect girl. so many of my "girlfriends" sit here and tell me im such a great friend. not to be cocky. just whats said. dang i drank all my milk. anyways. its just odd to have people look so much up on me. like to put me in that "role model" spot. i mean i really dont think i am. i dont know why im the "perfect girl" god knows. i mean cuz. really. im not that awesome. ok well. i act like it sometimes. but thats just fucking acting. lol. i usually pull the Ron Burgundy..."i look great! everybody come here and look at how good i look!" lol whatever. i dunno. if people want to depend on me let em. i know ill pull through what they all need somehow. everything always falls into place. like how i found new love and life in cresten who lives in the same place, where, so many years ago i lost love and my life. its not coincidence, cuz more crazy stuff like that happens to me all the time. theres something up there making it all work. it all falls together. all falls together. like... the colors in a painting. first you start laying in all the darks, major colors and continue little by little adding more and more different color until.. BAM! you see the whole vibrant picture. i dont know why ive been writing such long entries lately, but hell. ill cut back when things are lookin up. lookin up. also. my titles to my entries. usually have nothing to do with them. theyre just the first couple words i see when i get done typing.
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I know, it is a good smell.