im a weirdo.
i hate not having a car.
i want to go to the river! i want to get away! fuck this place!
guess were goin to grandmas. then cresten is leavin to go hang out with alex. whoo hoo.
so ill find someone. maybe frey or tristan.
whatever. i might just stay home. but if i do that, all ill do is... nothing. so...
yeah cresten said he read my diary... umm yeah. he said he read all except one... that he couldnt read or something.. why not? oh well.
here it is.. this is what im looking foreward to one day.

i wanna live here someday!

or here.

i want to see this.

i want some of these!! lol

aww and some of these!
you and i are gonna make that band damn it.
Hi-Pinky(its differnet than a handshake)