Crap, this is so annoying & i know september is gonna be awful, cos no doubt it'll have gone to both my best mates having boyfriends & holly's got pete as well. i don't think i'm going to be able to stand being around people who are paired up knowing that i'm the odd one out!! And theres seeing chris most days probably, life sucks. I keep looking back at caroline's email for encouragement & it works a bit, but she's married; charlie has aidan, holly has pete & no doubt in the near future it'll be becky & chris. damit why are there no good guys out there for me?!? i'm fed up of waiting around & being the last one to experience anything.
Ok i'm not really as depressed as that sounds but its something thats eating at me inside & i just had to get it out, but as you can see, none of my friends would understand.
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