I have to stop writing in here so much, i have too many entries but i dont want to delete any.
Charlie told me that i was really happy today & that she was glad that i was happy amy rather than depressed & its because i'm friends again with becky. i dunno why, i guess it was more important to me than i realised cos i thought i was doing pretty well without her, but theres a big difference since we made up.
Becky is going out with Adam, Charlie is going out with Aidan, Lisa likes Hugh & he sort of likes her back & after everything with Chris i just want someone to like me & me to like them back, but its not happening. ok so it's probably gonna happen when i'm not looking but i can't help but feel neglected at the moment.
I don't hate life, but i live with it & take it as it comes, there are many things i wish for but i can't & don't have everything i want!
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