Crap service this morning, kinda good to see caz but i cudn't be arsed either, she's got the teasing attitude like my dad who is a git & i'm kinda not in the mood for that stuff at the mo, even tho i know that she's only teasing & she does care really. i had a row with him last night & i've decided i'm not speaking to him anymore unless i have to, cos he's a git & i wish he wasnt here, except he's the 1 who earns the money & drives the car but thats it, mum says he does love me but i find it hard to believe. Anyway not that long now until i can leave when i go to uni, yeah i so badly want my independance, but i'm kinda scared that i'm going to lose friends by moving away. Thats if i pass my A-Levels which at this rate *cough* is going to be a miracle as i havent revised for my jan exams.
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