I feel so crap, its mainly tiredness, but also disappointment. Caz came to church today, only i dont feel like talking to or being around her at the moment, cos not only has she ignored me for the past 3 weeks when i've tried to contact her, but she also forgot my birthday & that hurts, i cant look at her & its hard to even be in the same room as her. Sounds stupid in some ways that i get worked up about these things, but it has really got to me & doesnt help that today of all days i had to see her twice, fortunatly i managed to avoid her & people just shrugged off my quietness & lowness as tiredness which it is partly. I dont want to have to face her at all, but i'm not sure me being like this is gonna help anything cos she probably wont even notice, grrrr this is so annoying. I dunno what to do. Sometimes it seems such a one way friendship, its always me contacting her first & now she didnt even to reply to me. :( :( :( :(
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