Finally i get onto this site, my computer really is messing around getting onto webpages & it was being really slow with messanger too. Having a very bizarre conversation with chris, but at least he's talking to me! Same old chris talking about kidnapping me, he's one heck of a weirdo, i mean who in their right mind goes round planning kidnaps or even thinks about kidnapping people!! And he even used to do it when he fancied me! STRANGE! ok he's not as bad as before, there is a reason behind this one, if he was to tell me a certain something i asked about then he would have to kidnap me, see all makes sense!
I'm not too well, come down with a cold, just in time for the family photograph tonight, grrr, so i probably look worse than normal now!
Would go to bed, but i wanna make the most of being able to talk to chris, sounds daft really, but i hate it being awkward between us 2.
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