Feeling ill today, should be in psychology right now but decided i was too ill to hack it, i have had a headache all day, tummyache, dodgy throat & i'm feeling knackered. I only went in cos i had to get my exam re-take form in today. I probably juat need a good nights sleep and then i should feel a bit better.
Definatly need to text chris sometime now, its been 4weeks since he said he wanted that chat with me & he's been going out with kerry for a month now even though he doesnt like her as anything more than a friend, but i'm not sure whether i should say anything today when i'm not feeling too good anyway & cant guarentee when i'll be in school.
Charlie's family piss me off, they're so horrible to each other, her mum has now banned her from going to church & has told her to become a paganist, i hate the way her mum does things like that, she's the one who's brought charlie up to be a christian, and now that charlie is old enough to decide for herself she's trying to manipulate her & make her do what she wants & for no good reason, people, especially parents, shouldnt do that. She acts so nice to me, but underneath she is so horrible to her daughter, grrr, it annoys me, cos the whole family are always ganging up on each other & lying to people & themselves & charlie gets treated badly & then i get her reaction to that & her mistreating people as a consequence & it DOES MY HEAD IN!!
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