hohum, i had a good afternoon at the mcdonalds playplace for Grace's 6th b'day, i did go & play in it but i'm a bit big & it was uncomfortable crawling round on my knees. the kids were great tho, and i had them under control, i did have to raise my voice once when they were making way to much noise. I love Grace & Erin, and their parents think i'm great too cos i look after them & help out.
Didnt get any valentines but thats no surprise, i only sent tom a sort of one, wasnt really a valentines card, but chris reckons he got one from me too...wtf?? he's pissed me off cos he said he'd get my tickets for the panto & was meant to meet me today, but he "forgot" to get the tickets so who knows when i'll get them, grrr!!! MEN!!!Cant trust him with anything. have sent him a not so pleasant email, as he's ignoring my texts.
Theresa (erin & grace's mum) replied to my comment about to get married(we were talking about marriage) i'd have to find someone that would have me, with no it'd be a case of finding someone you'd have! bless, she thinks i'm great.
need someone female to talk to, was talking to tom but that just didnt help my mood towards the male species, but i suppose becky's out somewhere with her bf!
Just read my entry "little amy"...what is it about me & little kids, girls in particular, i just relate to them so well and seem to end up playing games with them & just messing around, like a big kid myself, and i get more enjoyment out of that than doing adult stuff at times
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