Cried again last night about the situation between me & tom, its not getting any better and still hurts.
Found out today that chris has got himself a girlfriend, her name is rachel, thats all i know about her. he was watching me tho & i dont know why, as when i was by him with stacy he didnt talk to me.
am fed up with life, was managing to get things organised for my birthday, even tho i'm really not bothered about it, then mum forgot to book it on friday and when she phoned up this evening the whole bowling alley is booked up all day sunday and thats the only day i can do, so screw that, i dont have any alternatives, screw my birthday, why does it matter, what have i to celebrate, and why celebrate me, i'm not important.
"If any girl is going to Uni next year and is feeling nervous about whether or not to join a new company, I'd just like to say that I feel rally at home at the 3rd York and I've only been attending since October. Although it's almost certainly going to be different from your company at home, I would definitely recommend getting in touch with the company that will be local to you.
I really like York and York St John, I just hope i get in there now, and with this about the company, sounds good
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