Nah the email to Caz didnt work did it..i got a failed delivery thingy instead, o well, she wasnt at church this morning either, so i guess that'll make it easier for me to send it tomorrow, hmm.
YAY!!! I GOT A HAMSTER!!!! yesterday, she's sooo cute, her name is now honey, cos she's honey coloured & its kinda a female name. she was very lively yesterday climbing over everything & swinging from the ceiling of her cage, but she's asleep now. AWWWWW!!!
Hmmm its kinda awkward with tom now cos rose spoke to him after him not talking to me on friday & she sent me an email saying
"told u u were just bein paranoid. i tlked 2 tom and he sed he wudnt ignore ne1 on purpose cus hes not like that and that he will tlk 2 u more next time he sees u 2 make up 4 it."
agh so now he thinks he's upset me & i'm obsessed or something, nope, i'm not bothered now, cant be doing with the hassle.GRRR!!!
What Would Scooby Doo? LMAO we were in fits of laughter when we saw that & bex was laughing so much that she was crying!!! Her dad couldnt understand why we were laughing so much, but we were already in a giggly mood, lol, cos martin said that the oven dish was made out of cast iron, lol, you'd burn yourself on it!!! nope it was a ceramic dish that would break if he'd dropped it, hehe!

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