Tch having to start this again cos my computer crashed!
*sigh* been out all day, 1st band - we have a concert next week & i'm still getting notes & timing wrong :s, and the trade fair - it was crap, cold & boring, we didnt win anything, the other group did though & were bragging about it, tho it was funny watching chris trying to do sales pitches and being very unsuccessful! Katie came by & stopped to talk to me, i pointed out to her chris & she was threatening to tell him that i fancy him, but she didnt, i dunno whether it would have been good or bad, i want to be able to tell him i guess so that maybe i have a chance with him, but on the otherhand i dont want to risk damaging our friendship & scare him off even more than he is already. I dont know what to do about it cos i'm not being very successful at forgetting about & getting over him either.
Its weird talking to Tom about it, he promises not to tell anyone, but he's still good mates with chris & he's my ex(thats weird itself to write) & its odd to talk to him about how i feel.
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