Today was Chris' last day in school for a while, he has his operation tomorrow, i haven't spoken to him & he hasn't spoken to me. i don't know whether its going to be good for me that he's away for a while or not, cos i do like him, but i know i need to get over him, i can't live the rest of my life like this, but its being so impossible to do, its just not working & i hate myself for it, for liking him so much, when its so clearly not going to happen between us. Maybe the break will make it easier for me to get over him, or maybe it'll make me miss him & want him even more. Even Tom R flirting with me couldn't take my mind off chris for long, its so annoying that i can't get over it & move on like i should. I've nearly been in tears several times today because of it. O & Stacy likes him too but i don't know that! Not another Becky story, but it won't be cos she doesn't know i know so i can't hurt her behind her back & anyway she knows whats been going on & she's scared of him too so aint goin to let on, so hopefully i won't let it affect our friendship.
On a brighter note i got an email from Lisa thanking me & telling me off for giving her money for her birthday, lol, i don't care whether i should or not, she's my friend, she's done alot for me & i wanted to, but i get that from adults when i give them a pressie, lol, its just what i do, my way of saying thank you for what they do for me.
cool i found this link on someone else's sitdiary & i thought i'd give it a go!!

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla