my crappy friday

ooo its back working again! I feel so crap today with a runny nose & all stuffy & so tired, i got home from school and dozed off on my bed & didnt wake for about an hr, but now i'm just all cold & shivery! I was fairly upbeat this morning, then for some reason just before lunch i felt like crying, chris was in the room & i'm not sure why i felt like crying, but Tom R coming in made it worse. And Rose has made me more embarrased to be around Tom R, cos i wanted her to find out whether Tom worked on a thursday night(cos GB might be going to his work :s ) & so she shouted it across the room at him *cringe* & damn yes he does work thursday nights! I dont want to fancy him, but i cant seem to be comfortable & friendly around him anymore cos of everything Rose has been saying to him. O & apparently Tom C told charlie that he had lied to me & that if i had gone out with him long enough he would have pressured me to have sex with him, argh, stupid twat, no, thats a horrible image *shudders* *atchooatchooatchoo* ooo :( bless me, wretched cold. O well should be going to get ready to go out & see charlie & caz & how they got on, hmm.
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yea, whatever youre takin, you needa share