Listening to: The Funeral Of Hearts- HIM
Feeling: amazed
Im so happy.. Chris is going out with me.. I asked him this morning and an automatic answer was "yes".. later when I talked to him on the internet he said I had that special somthing.. that not many had.. that just made me want to cry because he practically is perfect....
Argh! I want it to be tommorow already.. I told him I wanted to hold him before school.. and I hopefully plan to.. regaurdless of what others think.. He has alot more self confidence than I do... so I figure.. he is really good for me... Im a little weird about how he said he dances alot.. but that is because Im too damn shy to even move my arms infront of people nonetheless begin to dance..
Bethany told me he had really low self esteem.. I dont believe that.. but I promise to take the best care of him...I havent been able to get him out of my head all day... Like I want to.. HA!.. he's mine...
I wore black lipstick to school.. asked him what he thought about it.. he told me he really didnt care.. i could do either....
My Friends were so happy for me...they kept saying I acted alot happier than usual.. and I do know why....
Im going to let you go now...My hands are retiring for the afternoon...
Love You All!.. Including You Chris!
Bye bye
~brandi (myimortal4ever)