Listening to: none
Feeling: relaxed
Ive never heard myself sing before... Its a change. a big one. I Suck horribly at it..I really do. I dont think I want to sing anymore. when mom told me in the car that I should of practiced when I was good..I thought she just ment I couldnt sing High Notes that well. She was right. I suck at singing. There's My First change. No More Singing..
Number two for changing..Ive torn everything down. Not Just because I hated myself. but also because we are getting Evicted. The Landlord (that Eighty Year old bastard)..Was flirting with my mom, he came over one day, asked her to marry him, and she declined. So Now he Wants to say we havent Paid rent. and Evict Us..I never liked it in this house anyway. But I hate that we might be leaving Jacksonville...
Me And Zac have talked of the phone a few times. it was cool. He's gotten me saying "coo"..instead of cool..and "Im Haaaard Cooore!"..its fun stuff.
Ive Discovered pants. They are this New Invention..A Skirt with Two Holes Instead of one!..and they go all the way down to your ankles..Or lower if you please!..Isnt that Nifty?..yeah..I know..Im a guy, I shouldnt wear skirts. Screw you too.
Im tired..I dun wanna do anything right now. I have one more class in about an hour.
I want to go do somthing. somthing fun..I want to do somthing I feel Comfortable doing... I dunno what that is though.
Two days till Raven's birthday.. Im going, I want to leave early so I can go see Zac at The Avenue's Mall..That would be fun..Im beggin my mother.. I need to get ahold of Raven..And stephanie..and all that..I need to NOW..
Well, anyway, I'll leave the same message on your other diary.
Have a nice day :)