Listening to: nothing
Feeling: blah
Okay, so In Health class this cute guy actually talked to me. I didnt really care. cause Like theres alot of cute guys at the school. And I feel awkward calling him cute so His name is Adam, I think I really dont care. I just think it is. ANYWAY. He was somewhat of an asshole. cause I wore a skirt today. He wasnt REALLY an asshole, He just precieved it at the end of class when I asked him why the hell he was biting himself.
It was awkward, Really.. Really.. Awkward.
Now that the random was out. Today was okay.
Rob wasnt here for English 1 so I couldnt ask about why the fuck I have a fifty somthing in that class when I had a 89 in English 2 Honors. thats outragiously Stupid, Completely stupid.
Lexi kept sending me letters today about Kevin. Which wasnt bad. but It kept making me think of kevin and start feeling extremely Lonely that he isnt here.
But Hopefully if All goes well, He will be next week. which will make me uuber happy. I'll try to stay the three days at matts house, so Kevin has somewhere to stay with me.
And we'll be under supervision so I wont try to rape him XD.. just joshin.
anyway. Then we watched some movie about this guy finding an african tribe thats been away from society for god knows how long and the last time People came in contact with them that they almost died because of small sicknesses like the common cold and the flu.
It was pretty awkward as well.
I really really have to go to the bathroom. ugh. but I wanna finish up in the library so I dont have to worry about updating anymore.
At four Matt and I are leaving campus to go to the greyhound to pick up megan, then we're probably either going back to the school or having matts dad pick us up from there.
My lip keeps peeling and I keep biting it because of the peeling. and I keep peeling it because I keep Licking my lip rings in the morning when its uuber cold out. which so isnt cool.
Matt dressed like a goth today, it was funny. he so didnt like it. alot of people thought of it as surprising and everything. but it was cool. I admit it.
He was depressed in sixth, he wouldnt tell me why. that was not cool.
Ive gotta go though. They're closing the library.
I'll write tonight at matts house.