Feeling: fun
Today was actually kind of fun and actually non-boring...
I left to go watch my cousin aaron this morning...slept till aaron woke up..and I held him dazing off...Mom actually left today so I was alone literally doing my job..I straightened up my aunts house for her since I didnt want to leave the DoughNut mess me and Aaron made...He was a little clingy...but it was all good...
Later around one, My mom came back, and thirty minutes later my aunt showed up and we left...I asked mom if I could pull out of the parking space...and she complained..so I got really pissed...and she felt sorry for me..so she allowed me to drive home from Food Lion...I did a pretty good job being my first time driving....there were no other cars on the road which was odd...They all fucking knew I was driving and headed in the opposite direction...Grrness!!!....
When I got home...I pretty much stayed here in my room... and hung out on the computer.. getting pissed at one of my ex's cause I have never made any real contact to him before and he didnt trust me...although he's known me for forever...
Then I talked to Marisa, My bestestest friend ever on the internet..Her three friends, and I are to move to a city called St. Elmo....and I agree'd to it...maybe this would come true...
Me and My friend Kayla (from school) were bored and were playing around....I kept making her laugh...and I found our conversation so hilarious I will now show it here!!! *points down*Matt: KAYLA I LOVE YOU!!!!
Kayla: right back at ya
Matt: *winks*
Kayla: *makes clown face*
Matt: so...when are we going to have a baby together?...JK!...lol
Kayla: wow when do u want one lol
Kayla: lol
Matt: I want a girl...but I am afraid of those poopy diapers *bites fingernails*
Kayla: lol
Matt: I want a girl so I cant be charged with Molestation...for I am gay
Kayla: lol
Matt: what do you want when your able to produce?
Kayla: im able to produce u dork lol
Matt: oh...your not seven years old?...DAMN IT! I THOUGHT I WAS BEING A PEDIFILE!!! JK
Kayla: lol
Matt: am I literally making you laugh...or are you just trying to make me feel better?....*raises eyebrows*
Kayla: im really laughing lol
Matt: YAY! *does backwards flips*...*breaks a hip*...*is screaming in pain*...*eyes are beginning to blur*...*faints*...*see's a white light*...*and runs in the FUCKING OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!!!*
Kayla: lmao
Matt: ....where did your ass go after it fell off?
Kayla: idk
Matt: well......I want it *drool*
Kayla: lol
Kayla: ok
Matt: *drool*
Kayla: lol
Kayla: im home alone
Matt: ooooo *grabs a knife...staring in your window....and looking at your plump ass*
Kayla: gross
Kayla: lol
Matt: hehehe *falls out of the tree I was in...and breaks my legs...repeats exactly what happened earlier except I am RUNNING THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE GRIM REAPER!!!* *stops and turns around...pulls the grim reapers sickle away from him and beats him with it*
Kayla: lol
Matt: am I still online?
Kayla: i guess u are
Matt: kay....spank you........really hard.....make it hurt....OH KAYLA!!!.......O.O..Oops!..sorry..got carried in the moment
Kayla: woo buddy
Matt: lmfao
Kayla: lol
Matt: that was good....Im going to save this convo cause its hilarious
Kayla: lmao
Kayla: so when u wanna have babies lol
Matt: when the cow finally gets his fat ass off of the moon
Kayla: lol
Kayla: bye
Matt: why?
Kayla: cuz i gotta check my phone and stuff like that
Kayla: ill be back in like 30
Matt: kay....bye bye babe....
Kayla: bye
Kayla: hey u still have my number right
Matt: yes
Kayla: then call me sometime
Matt: kay......I better call you...I want to keep intouch with my daughter and not be one of those bad dad's in jail all the time *wink*
Kayla: lol yea u better
Kayla: bye
Matt: bye
Kayla Owens has signed out. ((6/17/04 6:06 PM))