Listening to: Vertigo- U2
Feeling: torn
Apparently my weekends been sucking big. I Have been doing well with my school work, all I have to do is get done a One page report on "Do Famous People Have the Right to Privacy?"..yes no, or both. yeah. Thats what Thats about. its pretty cool...I also have to read "The Cask Of Amontillado"..which is going to be boring. THEN! We have to read "Blues aint No Mocking bird".. Which I cant even read correctly because all the words are in Dialect. Yeah. Im getting behind. ...I will catch up. Im Hoping. You people just need to Yell at me and throw stuff at me till I do. Okay?.. This weekends been sucking so far, I sleep, Get Online, Watch TV...yeah..thats going splendid..I do that On weekdays, why do I need it on the weekends too?.. Anyway. Its Horribly Boring Im tired..I want to go to bed but so many people have me forced awake, Perhaps soon I can sleep. I dunno what else to type, I May write my second Chapter to "Why Me?" tomorrow. If you all want me to, Just Throw stuff at me!..Lol Bie bie -Matti
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Get movin you slow poke....lol hey maybe one day this week you cancome and hang out...
I'll throw stuff at you if you throw it back at me. My grades aren't doin so well...my honors english class sux so bad and so my grade sux too.
ha dialect is hard to understand.
once I get used to it though its alright.

is that you in the two pictures at the top??
your hair is awesome, if it is.

love ♥,
ha you're really cute :)

you're welcome for the comment. anytime haha

And I know what you mean about the weekend thing.
It sucks that you get two days off from school per week and you spend the whole time sitting on your ass with nothing to do.

makes you wonder where you're going with your life haha

*throws stuff