Listening to: RJA
Feeling: pissy
Im serious tired of jeremy yelling at me, thats all that ever happens.
He yells at me to do somthing, I Procrastinate, and he yells some more, then I finally do it.
And He Yells at me another time to do the dishes, and I Tell him to stop yelling at me, then He claims I dont do anything.
It may take me a fucking while to do somthing, but At least I Fucking get it done.
I havent seen ANYONE in the house besides ME Do work around here, Dishes, Laundry. All that shit
He's Yelling "Get off the Internet or Im turning it off"..
I Swear, if he kicks me Out, Im commiting suicide, No Buts about it..
he wont kick you out
noo suicide, idk you much but i still give a fuck.
lessthanthree kayleigh