Listening to: The Yellowcard CD
Feeling: depressed
I found my poem, since Im Now in Interlachen, and The Idiotic Mother finally left me be.
I want to Cut...I want to Cry..
I want to Live...but wish to Die..
All I Ridecuel.. When No One gets How I feel.
I Wish for the better. I know whats right.
But You do what you want..Just push me aside.
I'll Live alone. Untouched..Unloved.
To Know that you..Just had me Shoved...
Shoved to a Corner..Shoved to a Wall...
You Pushed me away...And Let Me Fall...
I Love You..You know?.. Listen to me..
Believe what I say..Understand what I see..
I Just want to Cut...Just want to cry..
I Just want to Live..but wish to die..
But All I Get..Is YOUR Ridecuel...when YOU dont get..How this must feel...
P.S awesome poem..but lay of the cutting, doing it or writting about it:)