Listening to: nothing
Feeling: blah
Okay, so the next entry I write will be private because Im not in the mood for everyone to know my feelings. Only a select few I will allow to read, and you can leave a comment to ask. So anyways. People hate me right now. Brandon and I arent really fighting anymore, he was all "Urrgh I was just so stressed Im sorry Matti".. and that was basically it. so I forgave him. Still a lil pissed bout it though. Then Kevin, from what lexi told him, thinks Im the biggest whore and Im the largest liar ever. And I really dont care. because Lexi was the one lying for my sake. because I really didnt want to talk to him since the whole "Cocaine outbreak". He Had the right to IM me on a diffrent screen name. Somthing bout how Im being a hypocrite for him doing cocaine when a few days earlier I did Adderoll. Adderoll was to help with my depression and Tiredness. Cocaine. Fucks your body up. Im not going to deal with it.. I seriously DONT want to deal with it, and I really cared about him too. then he just had to be a complete ass and do all this shit to me. I was looking forward to him coming to florida. whatever. Im not crying anymore over anyone. (The Following Entry will be Private) ----------------- Oh... Em.. Gee.. Okay so Lily found it in her best interest to tell me that someones been taking photos of me. and Im all "WTF??" so we go into the art room,and THERES A PICTURE OF ME!!1.. and she's all "THERE WERE A THOUSAND MORE I SWEAR" and Im getting freaked out because someones taking pictures of me and Im all "AEIUGSIDHFSKJFDH" ... so yeah.. I have a paparazzi. and its kind of awkward. who would want to take pictures.. of ME??? ..So I wrote Lexi this LONG.. VERY PRETTIFUL note during school today. since she gave me adderoll again since I was UUBER tired. and yeah. I wasnt really hyper.but more. Leanient. More.. Aware. and awake. And less tired. which was good. thats what I was looking for. And I kept feeling like I was going to throw up, which wasnt really that good. at that.because if I threw up in class.. All hell would break loose. I kept talking about alot of shit that Ive quoted in my private entry to her. so she basically knows it without having to read it. I havent told matt. Well.. I sort of ..but not really. Oh You know whats fucked up??? Okay. so my brother jeremy walks into his bedroom while Im on the computer yesterday and starts talking about how I should bring someone over this week. and then it went from how I should. to I better. Like he was all "Bring someone over wednesday... We'll have foood.. and Compuuuuterrrrss.. and TTTTVVVVV... and even if you wanted to you could go in your room and your friend in the other any type online!!1.. We'll Watch a Moooovie... and then I'll take them hoooooome".. and Im all "WTF???" and he's all "AS YOUR PUNISHMENT YOU WILL BRING SOMEONE OVER WEDNESDAY!!1" and Im all "...MY PUNISHMENT IS TO SOCIALIZE???" and he starts laughing and goes "YES!BRING SOMEONE OVER ON WEDNESDAY!!1..WAIT.. MAKE THAT THURSDAY!1 Does thursday sound good to you? I think thursday, what do you think? thursday seems much easier. yeah, we should go with thursday.." and Im all...".....what...the...fuck..."... and then he left the room. I was gonna Invite someone I liked.but I thought about it. and I really dont like anyone at this school. so that blew that chance. so I called jeremy right as soon as the bell rang to go to seventh period and left a message asking if I could bring two people, Lexi and Matt over. because they've never hung out at my house. Literally. Lexi's been in my room once. and the light bulb was blew out and it was after six pm so she didnt see anything really. and we were gone within seconds. and matt.. well.. matts just never been in my house. Kind of awkward how I go to other peoples houses all the time yet no one ever comes to my house. the last time thats ever literally happen was when Moe came home with me the other day. well Im showing people my drawing book so Im getting off. ciao -Matti
Read 7 comments
mmhmm yea, you told me.....im just bored so ima stall..well.. not really... talk 2 ya tomarrow
oh btw im Matt, The homo
Heylo, my dear. You know, if there's anything at all that I can do to help, that I will jump through flaming hoops to do it, honey. So if there's any way I can just tell me. It'd make for a great floorshow. Errg, I wish I could go see you or something... I really do miss you... by the by, my diary is back to friends only...
i want to readddd ittt
yo. its kayleigh, hi-hi. i am infuriated w/ myself that i have to make another damn sitdiary account. oh well. peaceness. <333
damn that's a load of shit there...
oh and that "i'm stressed out" thing?
thats the thing i say to my mom whenever i am bitchin at her...oh and to the whole "evryone hates you" thing? that's like shit...its like the whole damn school turned against you...
which is NOT a pleasant feeling...
well i'm not gonna ask to read your entry...but if you want me to then i guess i will, idc, you choose :D
well anyhow l8er
hope things better..
