Listening to: tv
Feeling: hurt
my arm hurts, horribly, the shoulder of my right arm, and it hurts like hell. I don't know why, normally my arm will hurt after a soda or something, ever since I was hit by that vehicle a couple years ago.
but no it's been hurting for three days now and it's finally getting to me, I don't think it's anything serious, at least I hope not, but I am worried, and in pain. I think should take something for it, but I fear it won't do any justice against the pain. I'll do it anyway when I'm done.
my mom took kyle and I all the way eighty-something miles south of where we live, to drop off a dog we have in trade for a puppy my mother wanted. No air conditioning and the radio always staticy because of being so far away from home, most of the ride was in pure silence.
On the way back I drove because mom wanted me to practice before my driving test on friday, she couldn't stop yelling at me for everything.
for instance, going three to four miles over the speed limit is 'way too fast'
Breaking at a farther distance and slowly coming to a hault rather than immediately coming to a hault isn't 'fast enough' and I'm not slowing down like I should be. compared to what she says.
at least I don't talk on the phone while driving, I don't smoke with one hand and drive with my knee, I don't dig around in my purse and not pay attention to the road, I don't go OFF the road, I don't rummage to put my cell phone charger in the lighter outlet, and then try to find my phone to do so, I don't read, I don't write, I don't look for papers, I don't eat. I don't do ANY of the shit she does while driving, and yet she assumes she's a better driver than me, I don't see how, I've at least followed the handbook.
And then she critisizes me for my driving, saying that I'm going to fail my test. wouldn't be my fault, and it definately wouldn't be my money wasted on the gas.
then she claimed me of argueing when I was trying to present the case of what I was doing rather than her bitching at me. 'Slow down!' "I'm going 64 mom" 'You're going 70!' "I'm really not, you're in a different angle than I am" 'you can't take critisizm! you always have an excuse for everything!'
ugh, bitch.
I need to go do the dog runs so I'll write more another time.
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