Listening to: 1,2 step- Ciara
Feeling: depressed
Relationship addiction "Relationship addiction is the compelling need to be connected to another person. Teens with relationship addictions use relationships like they would drugs. When they feel depressed or insecure, contact with a speciric person gives them a quick fix. But they feel better only for a brief time. They need the other person to "full up" their emptiness. They feel a constant need to be with this other person. Teens with relationship a ddiction are often described as being needy. The person with whom they have a relationship feels suffocated and drained of energy." Sure the hell sounds like me..
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aw, matt dont feel bad.
I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be in a relationship... And naturally once you've been in one you'll miss it when it's gone... That relationship addiction sounds rather insulting... And doesn't make me think of you at all... *scratches forehead thoughtfully*... Nah, thinking of you brings "whipped cream" to mind... *smirk*... I love you, you smexy beast.