Listening to: listening to matt and his sister bicker
Feeling: numb
Okay. so I was hanging out with matt and his sister. And all this cool stuff for the day and we settled down and went to sleep.
I had the most horrible dream.
It started out I was at dominics house, and there were ALOT of kids.. and some how we got into a fight and I went to go on my own.
So Im sitting on the opposite side of the house when someones pressuring me to go talk to him, because he was crying, and I was crying.. and I felt horrible to know that he was crying..
So I walk into his room, and I pat his back.. and he looks up, and its not him. at all but somehow Dominic appears under him, and they are making out.. and Im confused, and I get up.. and I pull away and I see Movement, and Im looking at the two of them and Im yelling and I Pull the guy off of him, and Notice they were having sex, Dominic Recieving.. And I start crying horribly.. Leaving the room
Im Bawling Loudly, My Mom appears out of no where and is trying to get my stuff, and is yelling at people..
And then I woke up with tears in my eyes.
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