Feeling: sane
This is the new layout, I did have a Top_Left picture I could put up, but apparently Everytime I renamed it Top_Left, it changed to the old Picture of the Moving Up and Down Spider. I dunno, confusing Spookay Internet phenomina. Lol, But yeah, Ive been bored all day, Today was mother's birthday, Surprise, Surprise, she is one year closer to being Dead! RAWK ON!.. But yeah. I hate my dogs!..They chew up EVERYTHING!..Guess what the chewed up?.. My friend Atiaran' Hat! yep yep. These Little Doggies are Going Down!..I dont know what else to type today, its been one of those..Meh day's.. See You all Later! -Matti


Read 4 comments
You smexy beast, you... *cheek pinch* (now... do I really, I mean really, mean your face?) *ponders this*
hey matt can you send me and sam some of those pics, my email is macole32666@yahoo.com and sams is islayu324@yahoo.com, later thanks mac
Very hott layout :)
Baby doll you wanted me to comment you so i am. I love the new layout! Check my journal thingy out...i should have named it that...JOURNAL THINGY!!! WOOT WOOT...ok i'm hyper so gotta go jump up and down for a while...hehe...love you...talk to you later tonight. MWAHHH!!! *leaves kisses all over your face*