Listening to: Cold - Crossfade
Feeling: demonic
Okay, Instead Im fucking depressed but they dont have that "current mood" and if they do, I dont have the patience right now to find it.
My Boyfriend; Eiji...Apparently he is hiding me from his ex, so that he wont feel Uncomfortable, I understand. but it still Hurts cause I doubt I can say "I love you"...and it hurts really bad.
Kris; An ex of mine I Love, He apparently Did some shit and Now that makes me feel worse..
To Add To all of that...Computer...fucking Blew Up!..Literally..I mean,..I was on, and I saw a flash of light...and A huge ass Loud noise...then it shut down...Now IM computer-less... and Im using my fucking brother's computer...
Things Just Fucking Suck Major Ass!..and Im talking to my friend on the phone.. Shaina, she seems like help.... and Im glad of that
"Things seem to be sucking now..but I really care for these people.....Alot, So Whatever I just typed, if these people see it..Please dont be mad or offended.."
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