Listening to: TV
Feeling: numb
Welp, The Power went out today.. Yeah, that sucked ass. I have so much to say, yet I keep forgetting all of it, So.. It will come together over time..
Umm, Me and Andy Are talking again. Yeah.. He Apologized and gave that Sympathetic "Im Sowwi Matti".. and of Course, Being me, I fell for it.
I took a Quiz, and it said he was my love, yet.. he's not gay?..
Heh.. Then at the end of the quiz, it asked me a wish, and my First Insinct "I Wish I could find a guy who Literally and Truthfully Loved me"... And, Telling you all this, Its Going to Backfire, but oh fucking well..
I know im bad luck with guys.. I knew it..and always will.. Thats why I never get my Hopes up anymore..
SOOO many people have been trying to hook me up with people. Like.. For instance, Jordan was suppose to bring Her friend, and a Guy named Allan Over, So I could meet him, because He's Uber Hot, and Bisexual.
Then.. They didnt even ask him, and that Morning I woke up knowing, and Telling myself "He's Not going to be there".. and It was true..
Later I found out him and Nicole are going out again... whatever..
I Get so Pissed off over these things.. I mean, Im getting Less Depressed, and More Agrivated over it.. Im going to break somthing. and Its going to be someones Neck.
Devin apparently has crushes on other people.. and yeah...
Fuck it.. I Remaining A-Sexual...
Anyway.. Again, Ive been called a Faggot.
And Jordan got grounded for throwing Milk on a guy who was Sexually Harrassing a girl there at school. Yep yep.
I Feel Like crying, all day Ive been feeling like it, Just breaking down and crying. I have nothing to Loose, Or Gain. Thats the thing.. I have Nothing!.
err... I forgot everything Else I was going to say.. Fuck... Night
blame the keyboard..
love always,
someone called ya that? ;_; *hugs* i'm sorry :( want me to hurt them for you? :(
i'm just a random person you dont know but i find it funny how a person can relate to a stranger. hmm. weird how things work.
hope everything gets better.